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Gao MingluGao Minglu, PhD

Professor, University of Pittsburgh; Professor for Distinguished Service, Chair of the Department of Art History, Sichuan Fine Art Institute, China   


Speaker > Biography


      哈佛大学博士,美国匹兹堡大学艺术史及建筑史系研究教授。四川美术学院特聘教授及美术系系主任。主要从事现当代艺术批评和文化史研究,中文专著包括《’85美术运动》(合著),《中国前卫艺术》,《中国极多主义》,《另类现代,另类方法》,《美学叙事和抽象艺术》、《墙:中国当代艺术的历史与边界》以及《意派:中国‘抽象’三十年》等;英文专著包括Inside Out: New Chinese Art (University of California Press, 1998),The Wall: Reshaping Contemporary Chinese Art (Buffalo Academy, 2005),“Total Modernity in Chinese art”,(Duke University, 2007 ) 等等。策划的主要展览包括“中国现代艺术展”(1989),Inside Out: New Chinese Art(1998),Point of Origin: Global Conceptualism 1950s -1980s,“丰收:当代艺术展”(2002年),“中国极多主义”(2003年),“墙”(2005年),“无名”、“公寓艺术”和“意派”等。

Gao Minglu

One of the leading scholars in contemporary Chinese art.  A major editor in Meishu (Art Monthly) in the 1980s. Gao Minglu got his Ph.D from Harvard University and currently is a Research Professor at the Department of History of Art and Architecture at University of Pittsburgh and Professor and Head of Fine Arts Department at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts.

His major publications include History of Contemporary Chinese Art 1985-1986 (Gao Minglu el), (Shanghai: Shanghai Peoples Press, 1990); Inside Out: New Chinese Art, ed. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998); A Century’s Utopia: Chinese Avant-Garde Art (Taiwan: Artists Publishing House, 2000); Chinese Maximalism (Chongqing: Chongqing People’s press, 2003) and The Wall: Reshaping Contemporary Chinese Art (New York and Beijing: The Albright Knox Art Gallery and China Millennium Museum, 2005). Major exhibitions he organized include China/Avant-Garde (1989), Inside Out: New Chinese Art (1998), Harvest: Contemporary Art Exhibition (2002), Chinese Maximalism (2003), The Wall: Reshaping Contemporary Chinese Art (2005), Retrospective Exhibition of the No Name Group (2006) and Yi School: Thirty Years of Chinese “Abstraction”(2007 – 2008), etc.